
Endodontic Procedures


For every new patient that we see a consultation is given. Radiographs are taken of the affected area, and your medical history and symptoms are reviewed by the doctor. Additionally, several tests are performed to determine if you need root canal treatment, what endodontic treatment is necessary, if the tooth is cracked, and which tooth is causing the problem. After the exam, the doctor goes through the treatment options available to you, risks and benefits of those options, and any questions you may have.

Initial treatment

First the endodontist administers local anesthetic. After the tooth is numb, the endodontist places a small protective sheet called a �dental dam� over the area to isolate the tooth and keep it clean and free of saliva during the procedure. The endodontist makes an opening in the crown of the tooth. Very small instruments are used to clean the pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals and to shape the space for filling.

After the space is cleaned and shaped, the endodontist fills the root canals with a biocompatible rubber-like material called �gutta-percha.� In most cases, a temporary filling is placed to close the opening. The temporary filling will need to be removed by your dentist before the tooth is restored. Sometimes, depending on the difficulty of the tooth or due the size of the infection, the procedure may be spread over several appointments.

After the final visit with your endodontist, you must return to your dentist to have a crown or other restoration placed on the tooth to protect and restore it to full function.

Endodontic Retreatment

After the tooth is numb, an access opening is made through the tooth, and a rubber dam is placed to isolate the tooth. The filling material that was previously in the tooth is removed, and the canals are cleaned and reshaped. After removing the canal filling, the endodontist can clean the canals and carefully examine the inside of your tooth using magnification and illumination, searching for any additional canals or unusual anatomy that requires treatment.

After cleaning the canals, the endodontist will fill and seal the canals and place a temporary filling in the tooth. If the canals are unusually narrow or blocked, your endodontist may recommend endodontic surgery. After the root canal treatment is done you will need to return to your dentist as soon as possible to have a new crown or other restoration placed on the tooth to protect and restore it to its full function.


Apical surgery is performed to evaluate for cracks, root fractures to repair, resorptive lesions or perforations of the root system. With these procedure, the endodontist makes an access opening through the gum tissue near the tooth to see the underlying bone and to remove any inflamed or infected tissue. The very end of the root is also removed. If a tissue sample is large enough, it will be sent to a pathology lab for an evaluation and a diagnosis.

A small filling may be placed in the root to seal the end of the root canal, and a few stitches or sutures are placed in the gingiva to help the tissue heal properly. Another appointment is required a few days after the surgery to remove the sutures. Over a period of months, the bone heals around the end of the root.

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